Moving Beyond Comfort: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing

Person holding cardboard sign that reads "It's a privilege to educate yourself about racism instead of experiencing it!!!"
Photo by James Eades on Unsplash

In the latest issue of the Washington Center for Nursing News, an insightful article explores the pressing need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in nursing. Authored by Fawzi Belal and Christine R. Espina, the article emphasizes the responsibility of nurses to address biases and prejudices within the profession. It highlights the impact of structural racism on health disparities and underscores the importance of recognizing social determinants of health. By challenging personal biases and promoting equity, nurses can contribute to a more inclusive healthcare environment. To delve deeper into this vital topic, read the full article on the Washington Center for Nursing’s website (PDF).

Categories: DEI