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Strategic Plan

The WSU College of Nursing’s strategic plan was developed through collaboration and consensus. It’s intended to guide our development in coming years as the college continues to innovate and elevate the science and practice of nursing.

Strategic Direction 1:
Student Experience and Access 

Goal: Engage students in leading-edge competency-based curriculum that prepares them to lead and deliver equitable and accessible high-quality healthcare.

Supports WSU Strategic Goal #2 Student Experience


  • Complete curriculum revision initiatives for the Master of Nursing (MN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and Doctor of Philosophy Nursing Science (PhD) programs
  • Complete development and implementation of the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program
  • Launch a 2nd degree, Master’s Entry to Nursing (pre-licensure) program
  • Develop the Master of Social Work (MSW) curriculum
  • Expand our DNP specialty tracks in areas of greatest need in Washington state
  • Revise and expand our MN program to be focused on areas of highest need in Washington state
  • Transition the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), MN and DNP programs to competency-based curricula
  • Provide access to consistent student resources across all campuses
  • Graduate practice-ready students that match the regions and communities served by the various campuses
  • Create learning environments across all academic programs that nurture belongingness and personal, professional, and scholarly growth
  • Partner to develop meaningful student-centered interdisciplinary education opportunities across all clinical academic programs
  • Increase access to student financial aid and scholarships

Strategic Direction 2:
Research and Scholarship Innovation 

Goal: Expand participation in innovative, inter-professional, interdisciplinary scholarship of discovery, clinical excellence and teaching/learning.

Supports WSU Strategic Goal #1 Research, Innovation, and Creativity


  • Develop a College of Nursing plan to enhance research, clinical scholarship, and creative activities that prioritize areas for strategic investment and engage faculty and students across departments and programs
  • Increase the number of federal, state and private foundation grants and contracts submissions.
  • Increase the number of externally funded (National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)) doctoral students
  • Increase the opportunities for faculty professional development that are focused on research and clinical scholarship
  • Increase participation in inter-professional and interdisciplinary grant submissions
  • Grow the College of Nursing research and scholarship infrastructure and support system

Strategic Direction 3:
Community Engagement and Impact 

Goal: Expand WSU College of Nursing’s brand recognition as a leader in healthcare education, care delivery innovation and design, and community partnerships that promote accessible, affordable, and equitable healthcare services.

Supports WSU Strategic Goal #3 Outreach, Extension, Service, and Engagement


  • Develop and execute a marketing plan that highlights college strengths and programs
  • Engage stakeholders across Washington state and the western region to foster partnerships that enhance the College of Nursing programs and initiatives
  • Grow faculty practice opportunities to align faculty practice requirements and needs within the state of Washington
  • Build an active and engaged network of College of Nursing alumni
  • Offer signature public events that highlight the college’s strengths and initiatives

Strategic Direction 4:
Infrastructure and Growth

Goal: Create a financial, material, and resource infrastructure for the College that fully supports critical programs and initiatives that will meet the healthcare needs of Washington State.

Supports WSU Strategic Goal #4 Institutional Effectiveness and Infrastructure


  • Conduct needs analysis for all College of Nursing laboratories and learning spaces prioritizing areas that require modernization and expansion for strategic programmatic growth
  • Engage in funding initiatives to update and modernize facilities across all campuses to ensure a quality experience for faculty, staff and students
  • Partner to ensure adequate college funding and a sustainable budget model
  • Improve operational processes and procedures to increase efficiency and effectiveness across College missions
  • Partner with WSU Health Sciences to develop a strategic plan that leverages resources and governance structures that support sustainability and growth

Strategic Direction 5:
Employee Experience

Goal: Recruit and retain a highly skilled and diverse employee base that advances the College of Nursing’s mission and fosters a safe and inclusive working environment that maximizes wellbeing.

Supports WSU Strategic Goal #4 Institutional Effectiveness and Infrastructure


  • Utilize focused recruitment strategies to garner a diverse applicant pool
  • Develop robust College of Nursing ‘Onboarding Programs’ for each campus that improves belonging
  • Develop comprehensive recruitment plans for open positions utilizing diverse resources
  • Promote principles of inclusivity and employee well-being initiatives to improve retention
  • Enhance professional development opportunities for faculty and staff
  • Develop and implement programs and opportunities that improve employee self-care and wellbeing
  • Integrate strategic and meaningful recognition initiatives for faculty and staff

Previous Strategic Plans

Review previous strategic plans: