Student Success Coaching

What it is…

One-to-one help to examine academic concerns and perceived barriers to success. Topics we can help with include:

  • Learning & Retention Strategies
  • Time Management
  • Test Taking / NCLEX
  • Note Taking
  • Reading Strategies
  • Health & Wellness

Who it’s for…

Any student who wants to:

  • Articulate their academic strengths & areas for growth
  • Take responsibility for their learning
  • Manage adversity to promote personal growth
  • Make choices to expand their knowledge & skills to help them achieve their academic goals
  • Practice purposeful leadership by collaborating and finding common ground with their coach in an effort to reach their academic goals
  • Up their game in nursing school

Make an Appointment

The Student Success Coaches can support you through the ups and downs of nursing school with academic best practices, tips and tricks, and no-nonsense guidance. Book today; we can’t wait to meet you!

Schedule with Kelly