Celebrating Earth Day: WSU College of Nursing’s Dedication to Planetary Health

Earth Day at WSU College of Nursing

Washington State University (WSU) College of Nursing has taken significant strides in integrating planetary health into its curriculum and research, reflecting a broader commitment to sustainability and health care. This initiative, inspired by the Planetary Health Report Card (PHRC), is spearheaded by students and supported by the college’s faculty and administration.

The 2023-2024 Planetary Health Report Card Nursing Summary can be viewed on the PHReportCard.org website as a PDF. The College of Nursing prelicensure program received a “B” grade in their first year of completing the report card.

The project at WSU College of Nursing is led by Molly Parker, a 2021-2023 JONAS Scholar and a dedicated RN and PhD student and supported by students across programs including Amelia Kohut (BSN program), Angela Crable and Jenifer Brewer (MN program), and Tara Marko and Natasha Barrow (PhD program). Dr. Sheila Hurst, Clinical Assistant Professor serves as the project mentor. The PHRC is a student led initiative that uses an evaluative tool designed to measure and promote planetary health awareness within health care education institutions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in tackling global health challenges linked to environmental issues. It focuses on several key areas including curriculum integration, research, community outreach, student initiatives, and campus sustainability. Under the guidance of its faculty leaders, WSU College of Nursing has adopted this tool to enhance its educational offerings and foster a culture of sustainability.

The participation in the PHRC builds on a foundation of the College of Nursing’s commitment to environmental health and sustainability, including hosting the Butterfield Upstream event, which is open to the community and offers continuing education credits focused on environmental health. The event is in honor of Patricia Butterfield’s leadership, service, and research as dean at Washington State University College of Nursing. The event is part of the college’s broader efforts to engage with the community and integrate real-world environmental issues into its educational framework.

Under the PHRC framework, WSU College of Nursing plans to make enhancements to its curriculum to include integration of planetary health content. These efforts will prepare future nurses to address and mitigate the health impacts of environmental change. The additions will not only cover the effects of climate change on public health but will emphasize sustainability practices within health care settings. Key initiatives include re-evaluating the prelicensure, evaluating the graduate programs, solidifying the student planetary health interesting group, and ensuring continued faculty support. The college also plans to disseminate its findings across multiple venues, including academic conferences, the WSU website, and direct communication with faculty, enhancing the educational impact across all levels of nursing education.

As we celebrate Earth Day, WSU College of Nursing aims to further solidify its commitment to planetary health by expanding its research initiatives and strengthening community partnerships. This aligns with the global movement towards a more sustainable health care system that not only addresses immediate health needs but also considers long-term environmental impacts.