WSU nursing students participate in Spokane’s 2024 point in time count

Volunteers at the 2024 Point in Time Count, Spokane, WA
Volunteers at the 2024 Point in Time Count, Spokane, WA

The annual Point in Time Count in Spokane, Washington was successfully completed this year on January 25, 2024. A group of volunteers and nursing students from Washington State University College of Nursing and Whitworth University, canvassed the streets of Spokane County to capture a insights on homelessness in Spokane. This initiative, mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, aims to provide an accurate snapshot of the homeless population in the region.

Photos by City of Spokane

The data collected during the Point in Time Count is crucial for policymakers, helping them determine the allocation of homelessness funding and identify the resources required to address the issue effectively in Spokane and its surrounding areas.

The 2024 edition of the Point in Time Count is significant as it marks the first under the administration of Spokane’s new Mayor, Lisa Brown. This initiative comes at a time when the number of homeless individuals in Spokane County has seen a steady increase over the past several years.

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