WSU Nursing Leads Statewide Expansion of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training

Vicki Sattler, left, an adjunct faculty member at the WSU College of Nursing, is leading the college's new Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) training program. WSU's program was made possible by a 2022 change in state law that expanded the number of SANE training providers in Washington.

The Washington State University College of Nursing is introducing specialized training for nurses to become Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) to enhance care for sexual assault victims. This program, facilitated by adjunct faculty member Vicki Sattler, covers crucial aspects such as interviewing victims, evaluating and documenting injuries, and collecting court-admissible evidence. The initiative was made possible by a 2022 state law that expanded the availability of SANE training providers beyond Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Sattler emphasizes the importance of standardized high-quality care for assault victims statewide and highlights that WSU’s SANE courses are accredited by the International Association of Forensic Nurses. The training includes a 40-hour online course and in-person clinical skills classes, with collaboration between WSU and Harborview to expand opportunities for nurses to receive this essential training.