Kyle Ross chosen for mentorship role in academic advising organization

Kyle Ross

Kyle Ross, Academic Coordinator for the WSU College of Nursing, is one of 10 members of NACADA, the Global Community for Academic Advising, chosen to participate in a mentorship program for the professional organization.

Ross was named a mentor for NACADA’s Emerging Leaders program, which helps members gain the skills and experience necessary to move into leadership positions. That might be an elected position in the organization, but it also could mean leadership in research, publications, presentations, and other areas in NACADA. The program was launched a decade ago to encourage diversity in the organization’s leadership ranks, and Ross was himself an Emerging Leader in the 2015-2017 class.

As a mentor, Ross will help the Emerging Leader he’s paired with develop a plan for involvement in the organization, based on that person’s interests, expertise and goals.

NACADA was founded in 1977 with the first National Conference on Academic Advising, and is now based at Kansas State University.