If you do not have a biosketch on our College of Nursing website, please fill out this form completely.  If you are updating an existing biosketch, please provide a full list of updates you’d like made to your bio.

To view your current biosketch page, visit the Faculty Directory and click on your name. If your name is not “clickable”, that means we do not have a bio online for you at this time.

  • Your cell number will only be listed in our internal directory located on the College of Nursing Intranet. It will only be visible to faculty and staff. Only list this if you approve of it being posted there.
  • Select Department Name
  • Please add a paragraph here talking about your experience, background, and areas of interest. The communications office will edit as needed.
  • Please list in the following format:
    - Degree 1, Name of School, Location
    - Degree 2, Name of School, Location
    - etc

    Add a new line for each degree.
  • List in chronological order in the following format with most recent listed first:
    - name of group, year or years a member - name of group, year or years a member
  • list in chronological order with most recent listed first.
    - honor/award, year received
  • Max. file size: 195 MB.
  • Max. file size: 195 MB.