Celestina Barbosa-Leiker
Executive Vice Chancellor, WSU Health Sciences SpokaneProfessor celestina@wsu.edu 509-324-7477 SAC 503M 412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd. https://nursing.wsu.edu/directory/directory-profile/?nid=celestinaDr. Celestina Barbosa-Leiker is a Professor in the College of Nursing and Executive Vice Chancellor at Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane. Dr. Barbosa-Leiker’s research focuses on substance use in underserved populations. Her research has demonstrated gender differences in the measurement of opioid withdrawal, relapse while in treatment, and predictors of relapse. Her additional line of research focuses on the transition from pregnancy to parenthood in women with substance use disorders. She is currently leading an interdisciplinary research team to assess mothers, infants, and healthcare providers in order to better care for women with opioid use disorders, as well as for women using cannabis during pregnancy. Her NIH funding largely focuses on the link between psychological risk factors (stress, depression, and substance use), quality of life, community, and brain aging in American Indians. The results of these studies will help better educate healthcare providers, inform policy, and improve standards of care.
- PhD in Psychology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- MS in Psychology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- BS in Psychology, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA
- https://labs.wsu.edu/imhc/
- Collaborative Action Toward Community Health
- Clinical Trials Network: Pacific Northwest Node
- Combined Behavioral Treatment Analog Trial for the Treatment of Alcohol and Nicotine Co-Addiction
- Internet-based Pain Self-Management for Persistent Pain Populations on Methadone Maintenance
- Diabetes Prevention in Pharmacies
- Substance Use & Mental Health Collaborative for Rural American Indian Adolescents
- The Effect of Contingency Management and Educational Entertainment on Tobacco Abstinence in Postpartum Women Study
- Total Worker Health Among New Nurses: An Instrument Development Study
- Multiple Family Groups, Mindfulness and the Management of Chronic Pain, and High Risk Opiate Use
- Advancing Longitudinal Statistical Methods for Substance Use Disorder Clinical Trials
- PCAP Pilot Investigation of CM for Smoking Among Pregnant Women Postpartum
- Refinement of the Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory
Substance use, infant and material health, mental health, health disparities, health-related surveys.
Opioid use, cannabis, NIH Toolbox, psychological stress, psychometrics, longitudinal data analysis, clinical trial data.
- Member, Psychologists for Social Responsibility, 2006-present
- Member, American Psychological Association, 2007-present
- Member, American Psychological Association Division 5- Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, 2007-present
- 2022 Samuel H. Smith Leadership Award, Washington State University Association for Faculty Women
- 2022 Elected board member, Washington State Academy of Sciences
- 2022 Notable Woman in STEM, Washington STEM
- 2019 Elected member, Washington State Academy of Sciences
- 2019 Awardee, YWCA Women of Achievement in Science, Technology and Environment
- 2016 Excellence in Diversity, Washington State University College of Nursing
- 2012 Washington State University College of Nursing Excellence in Research
PUBLICATIONS (selected from 114)
- Martin, MA, Keith, M., Pace, R., Williams, J.E, CL Ley, Barbosa-Leiker C., Caffé, B., Smith, C.* Kunkle, A., Lackey, KA, Navarrete, AD*, Pace, CDW, Gogel, AC, Eisenberg, DTA., Fehrenkamp, BD, McGuire, MA., McGuire, MK, Meehan, C., Brindle, E. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody trajectories in mothers and infants over two months following maternal infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 13:1015002. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1015002
- Burduli, E., Winquist, A.*, Smith, C.L., Brooks, O., Chiou, M.*, Balsiger, D.*, Shogan, M., McPherson, S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Jones, H. (2022). Supporting Perinatal Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder and Their Newborns Experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Impressions from Patients and Healthcare Providers The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. DOI: 10.1080/00952990.2022.2122483
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Burduli, E., Arias-Losado, R.*, Muller, C., Noonan, C., Suchy-Dicey, A., Nelson, L., Verney, S., Montine, T., & Buchwald, D. (2022). Testing Gender and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the SF-36 in American Indian Adults: The Strong Heart Study. Psychological Assessment.
- Braciszewski, J., Idu, A., Yarborough, B., Stumbo, S., Bobb, J., Bradley, K., Rossom, R., Murphy, M., Binswanger, I., Campbell, C., Glass, J., Matson, T., Lapham, G., Loree, A., Barbosa-Leiker, C., et al. (2022). Sex Differences in Comorbid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Among Primary Care Patients with Opioid Use Disorder. Psychiatric Services.
- Willoughby, J. F., Hust, S. J. T., Couto, L., Kang, S., Pingel, B., Li, J., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2022). An online mixed-methods approach to developing narrative health communication messages. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529602197
- Pace, R., Williams, J.E, Järvinen, KM, Meehan, CL, Martin, MA, Ley, SH, Barbosa-Leiker C., Andres, A., Yeruva, L., Belfort, MB, Caffé, B., Navarrete, AD*, Lackey, KA, Pace, CDW, Gogel, AC, Fehrenkamp, BD, Ferri, R., Young, B., Rosen-Carole, C., Diaz, N., Gaw SL., Flaherman, V., McGuire, MA., McGuire, MK. (2021). Milk From Women Diagnosed With COVID-19 Does Not Contain SARS-CoV-2 RNA but Has Persistent Levels of SARS-CoV-2-Specific IgA Antibodies. Front. Immunol. 12:801797. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.801797
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Brooks, O., Smith, C.L., Burduli, E., & Gartstein, M. (2021). Healthcare Professionals’ and Budtenders’ Perceptions of Perinatal Cannabis Use. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, vol 48 (2), 186-194.
- Gubitz, H.*, Graves., J, & Barbosa-Leiker, C.,† (2022). Availability of Healthcare Services and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Carceral Facilities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2022;33(1):407-418. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2022.0031
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Smith, C., Crespi, E., Brooks, O., Burduli, E., Carty, C., Heber, L., Waters, S., Ranjo., S.*, & Gartstein, M. (2021). Stress, coping, and resources needed during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of perinatal women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, (1):171. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-03665-0.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Burduli, E., Arias-Losado, R.*, Muller, C., Noonan, C., Suchy-Dicey, A., Nelson, L., Verney, S., Montine, T., & Buchwald, D. (2021). Gender Differences in the Assessment of Depression in American Indian Older Adults: The Strong Heart Study. Psychological Assessment, 33(6):574-579 doi: 10.1037/pas0001024 PMID: 34014718
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Campbell, A., McHugh, R.K., Guille, C., Rosa, C., & Greenfield, S. (2020). Opioid Use Disorder in Women and the Implications for Treatment. Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Campbell, A., Pavlicova, M., Scodes, J., Burlew, A.K., Hatch-Maillette, M., Mennenga, S., Mitchell, S.G., Novo, P., Nunes, E., Rotrosen, J., & Greenfield, S. (2020). Substance Use and Mental Health in Emerging Adult vs. Older Adult Men and Women with Opioid Use Disorder. The American Journal of Addictions.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Burduli, E., Smith, C.L., Brooks, O., Orr, M., & Gartstein, M. (2020). Daily Marijuana Use During Pregnancy in a State with Legalized Recreational Marijuana. Journal of Addiction Medicine.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Holliday, C., Burduli, E., Howell, D, Wynne, M., Numkena, N., Ford, C., & Katz, J. R (2019). Development and psychometric evaluation of a community program capacity scale for a rural American Indian tribe. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Burduli, E., Layton, M., Roll, J., & Ling, W. (2018). Sex differences in opioid use and medical issues during buprenorphine/naloxone treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 44 (4), 488-496.
- Campbell, A., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Hatch-Maillette, M., Mennenga, S., Pavlicova, M., Scodes, J., Saraiya, T., Mitchell, S.G., Rotrosen, J., Novo, P., Nunes, E., & Greenfield, S. (2018). Gender differences in demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with opioid use disorder entering a comparative effectiveness medication trial. The American Journal on Addictions, 27, 465-470.
- Cheever, CS. & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2018) Impact of Alcohol Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients being Admitted to neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit. Neuroscience Nurses Journal 50(2).
- Clark, C., Sattler, V., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2018). Development and Psychometric Testing of the Workplace Civility Index (WCI): A Reliable Tool for Measuring Workplace Civility. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49, 400-406.
- Comiford, A., Garroutte, E., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Chen, S., McDonell, M. (2018). Prevalence and Indicators of Household Smoking Bans among American Indians. Journal of Community Health, 43, 746–755.
- Graves, J.M., Katz, J., Postma, J., Swalling, E., Barbosa-Leiker, C.., & Kehoe L. (2018). A national survey examining manuscript dissertation formats among nursing PhD programs in the U.S. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 50, 314–323.
- Sattler, V., Burduli, E., Smart, D., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2018). Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Caffrey Cultural Competency in Healthcare Scale. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 26,186-200.
- Woodard, L., Kahaleh, A.A., Nash, J.D., Truong, H., Gogineni, H., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2018). Healthy People 2020: Assessment of Pharmacists’ Priorities. Public Health, Epub ahead of print.
- Wilson, M., Gogulski, H.Y., Cuttler, C., Bigand. T., Oluwoye, O., Barbosa-Leiker, C., & Roberts, M.L. (2018). Cannabis Use Moderates the Relationship between Pain and Negative Affect in Adults with Opioid Use Disorder. Addictive Behaviors, Epub ahead of print.
- Burduli, E., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Fleming, S. E., Hollins Martin, C.J., Martin, C. (2017) Cross-cultural invariance of the birth satisfaction scale- revised: Comparing UK and US samples. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Epub ahead of print.
- Katz, J., Vandermause, R., McPherson, S., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2016). A demonstration of mixed-methods research in the health sciences. Nurse Researcher, 18, 24-29.
- Thayer, Z., Barbosa-Leiker, C., McDonell, M., Nelson, L., Buchwald, D., & Manson, S. (2016). Early life stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and allostatic load in a sample of American Indian adults. American Journal of Human Biology, 29, 1-10.
- Holliday, C., Wynne, M., Katz, J. R., Ford, C. & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2016). A CBPR approach to finding community strengths and challenges to prevent youth suicide and substance abuse. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29, 64-73.
- Clark, C., Sattler, V., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2016). Development and Testing of the Healthy Work Environment Inventory: A Reliable Tool for Assessing Work Environment Health and Satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Education, 55, 555-562.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Daratha, K., Alicic, R., Short, R., Deiter, B., Roll, J., & Tuttle, K. (2016). Association between prescription opioid use and biomarkers of kidney disease in US adults. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research.
- Strand, P., Downs, A., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2016). Does Facial Expression Recognition Provide a Toe-Hold for the Development of Emotion Understanding? Developmental Psychology, 52, 1182-1191.
- Zamora-Kapoor, A., Nelson, L., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Comtois, K., Walker, L., & Buchwald, D. (2016). Suicidal ideation in American Indian/Alaska Native and White adolescents: The role of isolation, exposure to suicide, and overweight. American Indian Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 23, 86-100.
- Ward, L. D., French, B. F., Barbosa-Leiker, C, & Iverson. A. E. (2016). Application of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory to Validate the Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory. Journal of Nursing Education, 55, 9-17.
- Mamey, M., Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Burns, L., Parks, C.D, Roll, J. (2015). An application of analyzing the trajectories of two disorders: A parallel piecewise growth model of substance use and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23, 422-427.
- Katz, J. R., Barbosa-Leiker, C., & Benavides-Vaello, S. (2016). Measuring the Success of a Pipeline Program to Increase Nursing Workforce Diversity. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32, 6-14.
- Schenk, E., Butterfield, P., Postma, J., Barbosa-Leiker, C., & Corbett, C. (2015). Creating the Nurses’ Environmental Awareness Tool (NEAT). Workplace Health & Safety, 63, 381-391.
- Senger, B., Ward, L., Barbosa-Leiker, C., & Bindler, R. (2015). Stress and coping of parents caring for a child with Mitochondrial Disease. Applied Nursing Research.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Mamey, M., Burns, L., Layton, M., Roll, J., & Ling W. (2015). Examining the factor structure of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 152, 218-223.
- Clark, C.M., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Gill, L., & Nguyen, D.T., &. (2015). Revision and psychometric testing of the Incivility in Nursing Education (INE) survey: introducing the INE-R. Journal of Nursing Education, 54, 306-315.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Fleming, S., Hollins Martin, C.J., & Martin, C. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) for US mothers. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 33. 1-8.
- Bakosh, L.S., Snow, R.M., Tobias, J.M., Houlihan, J.L., Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2015). Maximizing mindful learning: An innovative mindful awareness intervention improves elementary school students’ quarterly grades. Mindfulness.
- Strand, P.S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Arellano, M., & Downs, A. (2015). Exploring the bi-directionality of emotion understanding and preschooler classroom behavior: A latent variable analysis. Social Development, 24, 579-600.
- Wilson, M., Roll, J., Corbett, C., Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2015). Empowering patients with persistent pain using an Internet-based self-management program. Pain Management Nursing. Advance online publication June 15, 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmn.2014.09.009 .
- McPherson, S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Mamey, M., McDonell, M., Enders, C. K., & Roll, J. (2015). A ‘Missing Not at Random’ (MNAR) and ‘Missing at Random’ (MAR) growth model comparison with a buprenorphine/naloxone clinical trial. Addiction, 110, 51-58.
- Vandermause, R., Barbosa-Leiker, C., & Fritz, R. (2014). Research education: findings of a study of teaching-learning research using multiple analytical perspectives. Journal of Nursing Education, 53, 673-677.
- Shaw, M.R., Grant, T., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Fleming, S., Henley, S., & Graham, C. (2014). Intervention with substance-abusing mothers: Are there rural-urban differences? The American Journal on Addictions, 24, 144-152.
- Ward, L., Haberman, M., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2014). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory. Journal of Nursing Education, 53, 511-518.
- Hoekstra, T., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Twisk, J.W.R., Wright, B.R. (2014). Effects of long-term developmental patterns of adiposity on levels of c-reactive protein and fibrinogen among North-American men and women: The Spokane Heart Study. Obesity Facts, 7, 197-210.
- McPherson, S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Daratha, K., Short, R., McDonell, M., Radica, A., Roll, J., & Tuttle, K. (2014). Association of co-occurring serious mental illness with emergency hospitalization in people with Chronic Kidney Disease. American Journal of Nephrology, 39, 260-267.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Strand, P., Mamey, M., & Downs, A. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Emotion Understanding Assessment with Spanish- and English-speaking preschoolers attending Head Start. Assessment, 21, 628-636.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Burns, G. L., Mamey, M. R., & Roll, J. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Adjective Rating Scale for Withdrawal across treatment groups, gender, and over time. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46, 251-256. PMID: 24074852.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Ferent, V., McPherson, S., Lei, M., Wright, B.R., Hoekstra, T. & Kostick, M.L. (2014). Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between perceived stress and c-reactive protein in men and women. Stress and Health, 30, 158-165.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., McPherson, S., Cameron, J.M., Jathar, R., Roll, J., & Dyck, D. (2013). Depression as a mediator in the longitudinal relationship between stress and alcohol use in older adults. Journal of Substance Use and Misuse, 19, 327-333.
- Barbosa-Leiker, C., Kostick, M.L., Lei, M., McPherson, S., Ferent, V., Hoekstra, T., & Wright, B.R. (2013). Measurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale and latent mean differences across gender and time. Stress and Health, 29, 253-260.
- McPherson, S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., McDonell, M., Howell, D., & Roll, J. (2013). Longitudinal missing data strategies for substance use clinical trials using generalized estimating equations: An example with a buprenorphine trial. Human Psychopharmacology, 28, 506-515. PMID: 24014144.
- Tobias, J, Mair, J., & Barbosa-Leiker, C. (2013). Toward a theory of transformative entrepreneuring: Poverty reduction and conflict resolution in Rwanda’s entrepreneurial coffee sector. Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 728-742.
- Maldonado, A., Bray, B.S., Woodard, L.J., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Hardinger, K.L., Wu, V., & Hayney, M.S. (2013). Impact of participation on a solid organ transplant team on student pharmacists’ perceptions of interprofessional roles. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77, article 74, 1-6.
- McPherson, S., Barbosa-Leiker, C., Burns, G.L., Howell, D., & Roll, J. (2012). Missing data in substance research: Current methods and modern approaches. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 20, 243-250. PMID: 22329556
NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/celestina.barbosa-leiker.1/bibliography/public/
Updated 05/10/2023