Sleep tips for nurses: The Handoff podcast with Dr. Dan Weberg and Dr. Lois James

Dr. Jois James recently appeared on DrNurseDan's podcast, The Handoff.

Dr. Lois James, assistant dean of research and associate professor at Washington State University College of Nursing was a guest on The Handoff podcast. In Episode 27: A sleep expert shares her best tips for nurses, Dr. Dan Weberg and Dr. James discuss sleep habits and how they affect nurses both on and off the job.

Dr. James’ biggest takeaway was:

…to make sure you take care of yourself and make sure that you don’t ignore your own health, your own wellness, your own quality of life in the name of putting patients first…

Dr. Lois James, Associate Dean of Research, WSU College of Nursing
The Handoff podcast, Episode 27: A sleep expert shares her best tips for nurses

Listen to the full podcast here:

A full transcript is available.