DNP Professionalism Policy

Professionalism is an expectation of doctoral-level professional nursing students. Professional behavior guidelines are intended to ensure safe, ethical, respectful, and professional conduct by DNP nursing students. The following additional guidelines will apply to the educational preparation, experience, knowledge, and conduct of the professional DNP nursing student enrolled at Washington State University College of Nursing.

Any significant or consistent issues with professionalism will result in a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) and the student being put on Professional Probation. Continued failure to adhere to any component of this policy or student handbooks will result in academic counseling, review by the ADV-APCC Committee, and possible failure of the course and/or dismissal from the DNP program.

In addition to the general graduate student expectations mentioned in this handbook, the following behavior standards are expected of WSU DNP students. Failure to meet these standards may be grounds for dismissal:

Presence Standards

  • Be present on campus to meet the academic and research expectations of the degree program.
  • Keep appointments with CON staff and faculty or reach out in advance if you have to reschedule. Keep rescheduling to a minimum.
  • Maintain mature, sensitive, effective, and professional relationships with patients, students, faculty, staff, other professionals, and clinical training site personnel under all circumstances, including highly stressful situations.
  • Appear focused and engaged in class meetings as evidenced by: having video on when possible (if sharing space with others who can’t/don’t consent then leave video off) and not being distracted by other tasks, phone calls, texts, or work.

Emotional Standards

  • Continually perform self-assessment and seek out additional supervision whenever the students’ role in the care for a patient is inadequate because of lack of knowledge or experience.
  • Be able to function effectively under stress and adapt to environments that may change rapidly without warning and/or in unpredictable ways as relevant to the program or coursework.
  • Be able to demonstrate empathy for the situations and circumstances of others and appropriately communicate that empathy.
  • Acknowledge that values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and experiences affect perceptions and relationships with others.
  • Be able and willing to examine and change behaviors when they interfere with productive individual, team, or patient care relationships. Take personal responsibility for learning without deflecting or blaming.
  • Demonstrate an eagerness to learn – be proactive and seek clarification regarding challenges or confusion in a timely manner.

Academic Standards

  • Successfully complete suggested action plans or interventions to correct knowledge or skill deficit areas. These are created to prevent harm to patients or jeopardize relationships with clinical training site partners.
  • Meet professional expectations set forth by the college or a practice site (such as timely completion of co-curricular and progression plan requirements, advising, required on-boarding activities, trainings, arrival and departure time, dress code, or similar requirements).
  • Meet DNP program’s Technical Standards, with or without accommodations.
  • Do not abuse or excessively use course Withdrawals or Leave of Absences.

Communication Standards

  • Have a courteous, respectful, timely, and non-disruptive communication with and demeanor to all members of the CON community and beyond. Respect boundaries around the timing and mode of communication. This includes contacting only during normal business hours, contacting CON staff and faculty only through their WSU information (unless otherwise permitted), and being reasonably patient when waiting for replies.
    • Contacting outside of WSU modalities (via texting or with a personal phone) is only to be done with permission, and permission may change at any time. Such contact should also only be done if there is an educational need in order to adhere to FERPA.

Throughout the admission process and while progressing through the nursing programs to graduation, all CON students must conform to reasonable standards of performance and behavior related to communication, behavior and emotions, professional conduct, and technical skills. Students who fail to conform to reasonable standards of performance and behavior in the classroom, online, in clinical agencies, as well as on campus and within the community, may be dismissed from the program.

When the DNP Program Director, or designee, learns of a potential violation of this policy, they will meet with the student to discuss the allegation. After discussing the allegations with the student and reviewing all relevant information, they will determine if the student violated this policy or not, and will note the result in the student file. Violations may result in counseling on professional behavior, referral to UAP committee, removal from a course/clinical setting, CCR report, or recommendation for dismissal from the program.

Policy TitleDNP Professionalism Policy
Policy Inception Date05/2023
Policy Applicable PartyCollege of Nursing DNP Students
Date of Last Change05/2023
Responsible Party, Level I (to create and review)Center for Student Excellence
Responsible Party, Level II (to approve)CON Faculty
Responsible Party, Level III (to implement)Center for Student Excellence
updated 06/2022