Admissions Appeal Policy

Admissions Appeal Policy

Applicants are admitted to the College of Nursing (CON) under a provisional status. Applicants are provided specific deadlines and admission is contingent upon satisfactory completion of all admission and compliance requirements by those deadlines.

Accordingly, the CON may choose to rescind an applicant’s admission offer if any requirements are not completed in a timely and satisfactory manner.


The Program Director will be notified of any compliance concerns or missed deadlines. They will then notify the applicant of admission revocation.


Applicants who wish to grieve their rescinded offer must go through the process below. Student grievance letters will be attached to their file in NursingCAS.

The process is:

  1. An attempt should first be made to promptly resolve the concern informally (e.g., Zoom meeting) between the applicant and Program Director.
  2. If that matter is not resolved informally, then the applicant may submit a formal grievance by email to the  CON Program Director. The email shall detail the specific basis for not having the applicant’s admission revoked including any explanations as to why the applicant may have failed to comply with the CON admission requirements and deadlines, and any supporting documentation or records. The applicant’s grievance email shall be no later than 10 business days following the notification of their revoked admission.

    That applicant’s grievance must originate from the applicant’s WSU email if assigned to them at the time of the grievance, or otherwise must originate from the personal email attached to their Nursing CAS application.  
  3. The Program Director shall consider the applicant’s grievance, and renders their decision on admission within 10 business days of receiving the applicant’s formal grievance email. The Program Director copies the Director of the Center for Student Excellence on their admission decision sent to the applicant by email.
  4. If an applicant’s disagrees with the Program Director’s decision, then the applicant may escalate the appeal to the CON Department Chair. The applicant must submit their appeal by email within 10 business days of the Program Director rendering and communicating their decision to the applicant. The  applicant’s appeal must contain any procedural errors or mistakes the applicant alleges were made by the CON Program Director. The applicant must include in their appeal all supporting documentation and communications submitted to the CON Program Director as part of the applicant’s grievance. 
  5. The CON Department Chair renders the final decision within 10 business days of receiving the applicant’s appeal. The CON Department’s Chair decision shall be communicated to the applicant and copy the Director of the Center for Student Excellence.
Policy TitleAdmissions Appeal Policy
Policy Inception Date05/2024
Policy Applicable PartyProvisionally Admitted Applicants
Date of Last Change 07/2024
Responsible Party, Level I (to create and review)Center for Student Excellence, Clinical Affairs
Responsible Party, Level II (to approve)Program Directors and Dean
Responsible Party, Level III (to implement)Center for Student Excellence