Research First Friday – Dec. 3

Research First Friday, December 3rd, 12:10pm to 1pm

Please join us this Friday, December 3rd, from 12:10-1pm for Research First Friday with Dr. Ekaterina Burduli, who will be presenting on “Supporting Perinatal Women with Opioid Use Disorder and Their Newborns Experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Impressions from Perinatal Women and Healthcare Providers.”

Through this presentation, you will learn to A) Identify several strategies for successfully navigating the perinatal period for perinatal women in treatment for opioid use disorder and their newborns experiencing NAS. B) Distinguish perspectives of healthcare providers and perinatal women with lived experience regarding optimal maternal-newborn care in this high-risk population. C) Learn about the barriers faced by perinatal women receiving OUD treatment during pregnancy and postpartum.

Join Zoom Meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android:

Meeting ID: 920 2049 0059
Passcode: 898270