Upcoming MN Defences Nov. 17

Sarah Schrader
9:00-10 am

Zoom:  https://wsu.zoom.us/j/91823424439?pwd=WTVjR1pxMDgzeEhZSXFJbHZDeC9HZz09
Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 918 2342 4439; Passcode:  643054

Nurse Residency Programs’ Influence on the Increase of Retention and Decrease of Burnout in New Graduate Nurses

Sarah Wegrzyn
11 am-12 noon;

Zoom:  https://wsu.zoom.us/j/98653748218?pwd=cVBTbzMvQ0F6TlVaektRaXpiTXl2QT09
Meeting ID: 986 5374 8218; Passcode: 390229

Decreasing Inequalities and Health Disparities for Rural Residents in the United States: Could Telehealth Provide the Solution?