Student Affairs offers physical and emotional wellness resources for students

WSU Health Sciences Student Affairs provides many opportunities related to student health along the eight dimensions of wellness: Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Financial, Occupational and Social. Student Affairs encourages you to be familiar with the services offered to students to help you refer them for assistance. Over the next few weeks, Student Affairs will share information about how it helps students achieve optimal wellness.
This announcement focuses on student physical and emotional wellness. Students are experiencing higher levels of stress and anxiety than in the past and both of these wellness areas can help.
Physical Health

  • U-Fit is the 24-hour fitness center located on the Spokane campus. Students need their WSU ID card to gain access. Yakima students have access to gym subsidies for any gym they join in their area.
  • MultiCare in Spokane provides one office visit per semester, TB testing, and the flu shot.  
  • Tieton Village & Drug and Gibbons Pharmacy in Yakima provides access to services and immunizations.
  • Telemedicine is available to all enrolled students through Teladoc in SpokaneYakima, or wherever they are located. Students sign up through the website and get access to general medical (colds, flu, sinus infections and more), dermatology, nutrition, tobacco cessation, neck & back care, and sexual health.

Emotional Wellness

  • On-campus or virtual counseling for all our enrolled students with WSU Health Sciences counselors 
  • WSU Crisis Line: 509-368-6500. Can be called anytime. If a student is experiencing an emotional crisis on campus, you may walk the student over to the counseling office or call 509-358-7740 for assistance. When in crisis, it is preferable to not send the student to counseling alone. 
  • Telecounseling through Teladoc
  • We sponsor a Coping with Anxiety group for students. For more information, email counseling at
  • Faculty and staff resources for working with students

If you are a faculty or staff member in need of assistance, please contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).