Peer Mentorship Survey

I am a Researcher at The Ohio State University College of Nursing working with a team of researchers interested in informal and formal peer mentorship in PhD programs. We are reaching out to Colleges of Nursing across the country to explore the current landscape of this type of mentorship. We are asking that current and recently graduated (within two semesters) students in Nursing PhD programs complete a brief survey about this topic. If you are a PhD Program Director or other college administrator, please share this email with the current and recently graduated (within two semesters) students in your PhD program. 

If you have not already done so, please share the following information and survey link with PhD students at your institution. If you have already shared the survey link, thank you and please disregard this reminder. Please email a study team member to be removed from the follow-up list.

The time it will take to complete this survey is approximately 30 minutes. 

PhD Student Mentoring Survey 

There is minimal risk to you for participating in this research. You may feel uncomfortable answering some questions, but you may skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.  

There will be no direct benefit to you for participating in this study. You will not be compensated for your time, and there will be no financial costs to you. 

There is minimal risk of a breach of confidentiality.  The survey is anonymous and we will not link your name to anything you say, in the questionnaire or in the text of any other publications. Your de-identified information may be used or shared with other researchers without your additional informed consent.  

Participation is voluntary.  If you decide not to participate, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.  You can, of course, stop participating at any time, without any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. 

This study was reviewed and determined exempt by the Ohio State University review board (IRB Protocol #2021E0525).

If you have any additional questions concerning this research or your participation in it, please feel free to contact me, the study PI, or our university research office at any time. 

That contact information is Laura Beth Kalvas, MS, RN at 614-304-1872 or

The Faculty Principal Investigator of the study is Rita H. Pickler. She can be contacted via email at

Office of Responsible Research Practices at 1-800-678-6251. 

If interested, please complete the survey by following this link: 

PhD Student Mentoring Survey